
Montana Elk Shoulder Season

Did you take advantage of hunting during the late elk hunt season this year? While the opportunity has passed for 2022, prepare yourself for a successful shoulder season hunt next year.

Montana Elk Shoulder Season

Calling all the hunting enthusiasts in Montana – did you take advantage of elk hunting during the late season this year? While the opportunity has passed for 2021-2022, prepare yourself for a successful shoulder season hunt next year. Post general season hunts, known as shoulder seasons, were first established in 2015 in only a few hunting districts across Montana. By 2019 the seasons were extended to 42 hunting districts or portions of hunting districts. In 2021 the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission approved changes to the elk shoulder seasons in several hunting districts, in some cases extending the season until February 15th to provide opportunities to harvest more antlerless elk. The 2021 Deer, Elk, Antelope Hunting Regulations posted on the FWP website, show the changes. 

A few points to keep in mind when planning your elk shoulder season hunt:

  • Shoulder seasons are typically focused on antlerless elk in districts with over objective elk numbers.
  • If hunting on private land, always get permission and be respectful of the land you are hunting on and its owners.
  • Know your hunting district regulations. Seasons are tailored to each district.
  • Hunters may use their general season elk license, antlerless elk permit, or an elk B license, depending on the hunting district. This varies across districts; so again, it is important to check the regulations for each district.

Even though it’s only the middle of February, we are already counting down the days until fall. As the saying goes, “If you’re too busy to go hunting, you’re too busy!” For more information on elk shoulder seasons, click here.

When you’re ready to explore your options for purchasing your own land to hunt on or finding out what your property’s current market value is, contact Western Ranch Brokers. Whether you’re buying or selling, work with a team you can trust.

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The information contained herein was obtained from sources deemed to be reliable. Western Ranch Brokers makes no warranties or guarantees as to the completeness or accuracy thereof.
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